This is a demo video of a E-learning quiz made in Camtasia, as a work project. This demo showcases the use of rich visual design, in conjunction with ID principles.

Thought Process

This project is a practice quiz designed & storyboarded based on the scripted technical content submitted by the team of subject matter experts. My task is to design a engaging, innovative content. The main objective of quiz is to measure the selective attention of the students. Selective attention is the process of focusing on a particular sound in the environment for a certain period of time. As a part of team, we have decided and scripted a forensic theme.

Design & Development

I can elaborate this step into different steps:

  1. Technical content writing
  2. Scripting the quiz video
  3. Storyboarding
  4. Designing video elements( Icons, characters, Motion graphics etc…)
  5. Video editing process
  6. Achieving the product


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